DREAM drive
INDIA’S 1st one-of-its-kind ENDURANCE DRIVE that will happen OFF the track and on the Indian Roads.
Covering areas of:
this 3889 KMS drive will cover 14 MAJOR CITIES and is 73 HRS OF NON-STOP driving
High Performing Teams will participate in this Endurance Drive AND FIGHT with their last drop of energy to Stand on the Very Prestigious Podium.
We are looking for Skilled, Dedicated & Most Importantly PASSIONATE Teams who can help us achieve the same with the spirit of the Team & the Spirit to drive for a cause.
Are you one of them? if yes then this is for YOU!

29th august
Mumbai Opening ceremony
1st sept
Reporting day
Scrutiny (In evening)
2nd sept
Drivers Briefing
3rd sept
Leh Flag off
6th sept
Arrival at Kanyakumari
7th sept
Closing ceremony
- A non-Stop Drive of 73 hours and 3889 kms with 5 pit stops, starting from the top most point [Leh] of India till the end at the sea shore [Kanyakumari]
- For the first time in India’s Popular Racing Teams will participate in a single off-track event
- TSD [Time, speed, and Distance] controlling format will be used for the entire drive.
- The maximum scheduled drive will be of total [73 hours] total of [3.2 days]
- A Team is made up of 4 persons on board of each car nominated as Lead driver, co – driver and navigators, each part of the Drive, separated by a Pit Stop.
- Non-commercial 4 wheel vehicles other than trucks, buses & ATVs are allowed
- Teams will gain points and loose points based on their driving, if a team follows every rule and guideline given by the organizer they will gain points but if the rules are being broken points will be deducted.
- Final announcement of the winner will be on the basis of points earned by a team
1. AGE – 18 to 60yrs
2. Minimum 2 to max 4 persons in a team.
3. The team has to bring their own car and fuel and toll taxes are to be taken care by the team.
4. Registration fees – Rs.80,000/-
● 2 days of Accommodation and Food (3meals) in Leh.
● 2 days of Accommodation and Food (3meals) in Kanyakumari.
● Entire mechanical, technical and medical support from Leh to Kanyakumari including pitstops.
● Food packages and energy drinks during the journey.
● Sports insurance worth Rs. 4lakhs per participant ( valid only during endurance drive )
● Team promotions during flagoff event arnd post event press conference.
● Social media promotions.
● Special felicitation at the closing ceremony.
● Team profile portfolio shoot.
● Essential equipments in all cars will be provided.
● An opportunity to participate in a world record.